Frictionless and Secure Online Shopping with Mobile MFA for Retail and E-commerce

Stop cart abandonment,  smoothen checkout processes and prevent account takeovers by enabling customers to log in and confirm purchases with a biometric scan or a PIN code on their own phone. 

Retail and E-commerce

Seamless access for your customers
nextAuth keeps out the rest

Allow your customers to log into your webshop and confirm payments with a biometric scan on their own phone. Our public-key cryptography and authentication protocol keep out the rest

Increase your online sales

Speed up your checkout processes and smoothen your login flow by enabling your customers to log in and confirm purchases with a biometric scan or PIN code on their own phone.

Stop account takeovers and fraud

nextAuth goes beyond strong customer authentication, eIDAS and GDPR requirements. Our patented True MFA™ technology and advanced asymmetric cryptography provide the highest form of protection and safeguards your and your customers’ data and money. Our tech fends off all phishing, guessing, brute-forcing, and man-in-the-middle attacks.

Patented True Multi-Factor Authentication™ Technology

Our patented True MFA™ technology prevents an attacker who controls either the nextAuth server or the user’s mobile device from impersonating the user. Additionally, our technology ensures logins, authorizations, and signatures made with the nextAuth mobile SDK are non-repudiable. Here’s how:

Use intuitive authentication factors in your mobile authentication setup

Guarantee non-repudiation of purchases and E-signatures

Allow your customers and employees to confirm purchases in compliance with eIDAS requirements. nextAuth’s advanced public-key cryptography guarantees the authenticity and admissiblity of all actions.

Integrate nextAuth seamlessly into your systems

The nextAuth server can either run on your on-premise infrastructure or your cloud, and provides a RESTful API for easy integration with your business applications. Our integrated IDP allows you to connect all your systems via standard mechanisms like SAML or OIDC.

Secure push notifications and app-backend communication

nextAuth adds a layer of encryption to the push notifications sent to your app, ensuring that only the intended customers can read them. Exchange messages directly between your app and your backend server over a separate secure channel. Turn your helpdesk, sales and marketing channels into highly secure ones.

Speed up your time-to-market

Our flexible technology, solid mobile SDK, and RESTful API allow your company to rapidly and seamlessly scale your authentication app to new markets and users.

Reduce Your TCO

Reduce password-related issues and 50% of helpdesk requests by eliminating the password in your organisation. Stop wasting budget on SMSes, card readers or hardware security modules (HSMs). 

Retail and E-commerce

Discover how nextAuth meets the PSD2/SCA requirements mandated by the EU.

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nextAuth PSD2 SCA compliancy report